You can now create your own private lists on PoleSphere!
This very exciting feature has been highly requested by our members, and we’ve been working away at it behind the scenes for a long time to make all your dreams and wishes come true
How to build your own lists:
- Click the “add to list” icon above any tutorial to add it to your lists
- To create a new list – simply click the “add to list” icon from the tutorial screen then “select a list” then “+ add new list”
- To manage your lists from your profile page:
- Click to expand any list and see the tutorials inside
- Drag & drop to re-order, or X to remove from list
- Rename, Play or Delete any lists you’ve made
- Click ‘Play Now’ or the play icon to auto-play in sequence
NOTE: You may have to refresh the screens to see these updates, including when you make edits to your lists (eg if you don’t see the changes reflected elsewhere after you click around) – just pull down to refresh on mobile, or press F5 on desktop!
Where to find your lists:
- Above ‘Favourites’ on the welcome screen
- Under ‘Playlists’ on your profile screen
- Inside the “add to list” popup on every tutorial – look for the icon (three lines and a little plus) next to the heart.
Playlists can be a fantastic training tool to help you plan out your pole sessions and organise all the tricks you want to try and the best news is there is no cap on how many lists you can make —you can make as many as your heart desires!